While on maternity leave, I got my sewing groove on. Since Baby K turned out to be a boy, I will have to focus all of my crafty girlyness on my super cute niece, Little Miss. She's spunky, sassy and well deserving of handmade items. She loves beautiful dresses and the way she tilts her head to the side and says "Baby K" is quite possibly the cutest thing you will ever see or hear. I told my sister she needs to record Little Miss talking because she has the sweetest.voice.ever. Did I mention how sassy she is? Over leave, I got the opportunity to visit family for a couple of weeks and spent about 5 days at my sister's house. Little Miss has a sass all her own. She has her own idea of how things should be done and she totally let's you know it. I love her more than anything. It's a good thing Baby K was a boy because I am just not sure there is room for another baby girl in our family!
So, back to sewing. My sister requested some pillow case dresses for my niece. Sewing can be so much more satisfying than knitting when you have limited time. In a couple of hours, I whipped up two dresses and a dress for Little Miss's baby, Colleen. More on Colleen in a little.
The pattern is my own (just made it up as I went!) and the fabric is from Amy Butler's Lotus collection. Since red and aqua is one of my favorite color combos, it was obvious to me that the rick rack and ribbon closures should be aqua.
Isn't Little Miss just the cutest little girl you have ever seen?!
Colleen really likes her new dress too. My mom adopted Colleen from a cute little store on Etsy. She is a beautiful handmade traditional waldorf doll. Even has her own serial number! You can find out more about Colleen here, as well as some other friends that are up for adoption... Maineartisen
All photos taken by Carey (aka, my sister).
I absolutely love this dress - it's a perfect style for my Little Miss!! I do need to get some better (outside) pics of her in it for you :) Love you and thank you!!!